We are heading to SPRING and I’ve promised another contest. So, I’ve teamed up with some old friends/customers who went and opened their own brewery. NOCTERRA BREWING in Powell, and the owner/brewers Bryan Duncan and Bruce Vivian! Bryan and Bruce have both won contests in the past so now he and Bruce get to be judges! Why? So they can decide whose IPA is worthy to get brewed on their FULL 15 bbl SYSTEM!! That’s right a FULL BATCH to the winner of this contest!!
This contest is limited to the Greater Columbus area, HOPs and DOH members. Please call BBC if you are not sure. 614-440-8854.
This is a BJCP contest using the 2015 BJCP Guidelines for IPAs. Categories accepted are
12C – English IPA, 21A – American IPA, 21B – Specialty IPA, 29A Fruit Beer (declared as an IPA)and 22A Double IPA.
https://www.bjcp.org/docs/2015_Guidelines_Beer.pdf – for more info.
Entries are $10/ea and due April 23rd! no exceptions.
You must turn in 2 – 12oz or 1 – 22oz UNLABELED bottle(s) with a completed registration form. Forms are available at BBC.
Judging will be on 4/24 and we will have an AWARD PARTY on Friday, April 26 at 7pm!! We will provide food but bring BEER!
First: Brew your beer with Bruce and Bryan at Nocterra
Second: MKII Magnetic Drive Pump
Third: Stainless Steel Hop Filter – with lid
Fourth: $10 Gift Card to BBC