“The BATTLE for the PADDLE”
HOPsTOBERFEST was unfortunately not able to be held this year, due to COVID restrictions and limitations. However, we don’t want that to keep us from “The Battle for The Paddle” this year! Challenge our current trophy holder Jeff Lagusch, and you’ll win the paddle and title of “Braumeister” – HOPsTOBERFEST Champ for 2020-21!
We have decided to combine our September and November competitions into one, and the outcome will decide the winner for the Paddle this year.
This competition is open to HOPs Members only. Beers must be submitted by/at our November Meeting, which is to be held on the evening of November 17th. Submit either (2) 12-oz bottles, or (1) 22-oz bottle of your beer, unmarked. Registration for the contest is online, at https://www.powellbrewers.com/hopstoberfest-homebrew-competition/. All information should be completed in advance on the site.
This competition will be judged by the brewers and staff at Nocterra!
GET BREWING, and compete with your club! Good luck!!